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 I love to cook and found that when I started this program, without the fat and salt, food was missing something.  I do use a lot of different spices with my food but found that I needed to be a little more liberal with my spices. One of my favourites is a greek seasoning mix that I used to purchase in the US but it is not available here in Canada.  So I had to get creative and create an alternative Greek Seasoning Mix that did not contain salt. Here is my Greek Seasoning Mix which can be a great everyday spice mix and tastes wonderful.  You can use it as is or you can grind it in a coffee grinder.  I have a coffee grinder dedicated to spices only and use it for things like herbs and seeds to bring a uniformity to the mix.  However, it is not necessary. Greek Seasoning Mix Mix in a bowl, 2 tsp basil 2 tsp oregano  2 tsp thyme 2 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp dill weed 1 tsp marjoram 1 tsp black pepper 1 tsp parsley flakes 1 tsp rosemary (crumbled) 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon 1/4 tsp nutmeg You ca

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